This tutorial has described various techniques to append rows to existing DataFrame with examples.
In [1]: import pandas as pd d = {'one' : [10,20,30],'two' : ['a','b','c']} df = pd.DataFrame(d) df Out[1]: one two 0 10 a 1 20 b 2 30 c
Pandas’ .loc method used to append the data to DataFrame.
Appending a row by given list –
In [2]: df.loc[3] = [40,'d'] # add the list value at specified index 3 Out[2]: one two 0 10 a 1 20 b 2 30 c 3 40 d
Appending a row by given dictionary –
In [3]: df.loc[4] = {'one':50,'two':'e'} # add the dict value at specified index 4 Out[3]: one two 0 10 a 1 20 b 2 30 c 3 40 d 4 50 e
Appending a row by single column value –
You can specify the value of a specific column while appending the new row. The NaN value is assigned to the non-specified column automatically.
In [4]: df.loc[5,'one'] = 60 # add value 60 to the column 'one' at specified index 5 Out[4]: one two 0 10.0 a 1 20.0 b 2 30.0 c 3 40.0 d 4 50.0 e 5 60.0 NaN
Note: If you use an existing index in df.loc[], this will overwrite the value in that specified row.
In [5]: df.loc[2] = [200,'z'] # This will overwrite the column values at index row 2. Out[5]: one two 0 10.0 a 1 20.0 b 2 200.0 z 3 40.0 d 4 50.0 e 5 60.0 NaN In [6]: df.loc[1,'two'] = 'Y' #This will overwrite column value 'two' at index row 1 Out[6]: one two 0 10.0 a 1 20.0 Y 2 200.0 z 3 40.0 d 4 50.0 e 5 60.0 NaN
Appending DataFrame to another DataFrame –
Pandas’ append() function used to append one DataFrame to another DataFrame. The append function doesn’t change any of the original DataFrames, it will return a new DataFrame by appending two DataFrame.
# Let's define a new DataFrame, which will be inserted to DataFrame df In [7]: temp_df = pd.DataFrame([[4.0,5]],columns=['one','two']) In [8]: temp_df Out[8]: one two 0 4.0 5 In [9]: df2 = df.append(temp_df) # temp_df DataFrame is appending to DataFrame df In [10]: df2 Out[10]: one two 0 10.0 a 1 20.0 Y 2 200.0 z 3 40.0 d 4 50.0 e 5 60.0 NaN 0 4.0 5
In [11]: df2 = df.append(temp_df,ignore_index=True) # avoid duplicate index In [12]: df2 Out[12]: one two 0 10.0 a 1 20.0 Y 2 200.0 z 3 40.0 d 4 50.0 e 5 60.0 NaN 6 4.0 5
Note – While appending DataFrames, it is not necessary to have the same set of columns to both DataFrame.
# Let's define DataFrame df_A In [13]: df_A = pd.DataFrame({'A' : [10,20],'B' : ['a','b']}) In [14]: df_A Out[14]: A B 0 10 a 1 20 b # Let's define DataFrame df_B In [15]: df_B = pd.DataFrame({'B':['x','y'],'C':[12,14]}) In [16]: df_B Out[16]: B C 0 x 12 1 y 14 # Append DataFrame df_B to df_A In [17]: df3 = df_A.append(df_B) In [18]: df3 Out[18]: A B C 0 10.0 a NaN 1 20.0 b NaN 0 NaN x 12.0 1 NaN y 14.0
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