Different Label Encoding Methods for Categorical Features

In Machine Learning project, it is very common to have categorical features in data. However, Machine can only understand numbers. So, it is a very essential part to encode categorical feature to numeric feature before it used in Machine Learning Algorithm. There are many encoding methods exist in Machine Learning.

Categorical Data:  Nominal, Ordinal and Cyclical

Nominal: A Categorical features which are only labelled without any order preference are called the Nominal features. 


Ordinal:  A Categorical feature which is associated with some Order is called the Ordinal feature.

Example: grade of class 10(first class, second class and third class)

Cyclical: The Categorical feature which happens in specific cycles is called a Cyclical feature.

 For example:   Day, Hour, Month and season

Encoding Techniques:

 1) Label Encoder:  Encode Categorical feature in Alphabetic Order.

Encoding : [Red,Black,Yellow,Green]  → [3 , 1 , 4 , 2]

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
lbl = LabelEncoder()
df['Color'] = lbl.fit_transform(df['Color'])

2) Pandas’ Factorize : Encode the categorical feature in order of appearance.

Encoding : [Red,Black,Yellow,Green]  → [0 , 1 , 2 , 3]

label,unique = pd.factorize(dd['Color'])

3) Frequency Encoding: Encode the Categorical feature via mapping Values to their frequencies. This will preserve the information about the values of distributions.

encoding = df.groupby('Color').size()
encoding = encoding / len(df)
Encoding : [Red,Green,Yellow]   →  [0.50,0.33,0.16]
Frequency Encoding Using Rank:
from scipy.stats import rankdata
Encoding : [Red,Green,Yellow]   →  [ 5, 2.5 , 1]

4) One-hot Encoding: Encode each unique value of a categorical feature into new column and assign value 0 and 1 to the column.

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
ohe = OneHotEncoder()
ohe_data = ohe.fit_transform(dd['Color'])
#using Pandas' get_dummies
oht_df = pd.get_dummies(dd['Color'])

5) Cyclical feature encoding: The feature like day, month, the season is cyclic by nature. These all features happen in a specific cycle. Sine and Cosine transformation are used to encode the cyclical feature.

df['day_sin'] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * df['day_of_week']/7.0)
df['day_cos'] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * df['day_of_week']/7.0)

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