A Pyplot is the module of the Matplotlib library. The matplotlib.pyplot is a state-based interface to Matplotlib. Pyplot is mainly designed to generate an interactive plot. This module provides lots of function such as different plotting function, plot decorative functions, Image function, Axis function, etc.
Types of Plot
Function | Description |
Bar | Make a Bar Plot |
Barh | Make a horizontal Bar Plot |
Box Plot | Make a Box plot |
Hist | Plot a histogram |
hist2d | Make a 2D histogram plot |
Pie | Plot a Pie chart |
Plot | Make a line chart |
Polar | Make a polar plot |
Scatter | Make a scatter plot of x & y |
Stackplot | Draws a stacked area plot. |
Stem | Draws a stem plot |
Step | Create a step plot |
Image Functions
Function | Description |
Imread | Read an Image |
Imsave | Save an Image |
Imshow | Display an Image |
Axis Functions
Function | Description |
Axes | Add axes to the figure. |
Text | Add text to the axes |
Title | Set title to the current axes |
xlabel | Set the x axis label of the current axis. |
ylabel | Set the y axis label of the current axis. |
xlim | Get or set the x limits of the current axes. |
ylim | Get or set the y-limits of the current axes. |
xticks | Get or set the current tick locations and labels of the x-axis. |
yticks | Get or set the y-limits of the current tick locations and labels. |
Figure Functions
Function | Description |
Figtext | Add text to figure. |
Figure | Creates a new figure. |
Show | Display a figure. |
Savefig | Save the current figure. |
Close | Close a figure window. |