Text Summarization

What is Text Summarization?

Once we open any site, we ordinarily glance at the brief outline and after that studied more points of interest in case interested. Brief, enlightening outlines of the article are present all over. Well, It is possible to form the summaries automatically as the data comes in from different websites around the world. The strategy of extricating these outlines from the original huge content without losing crucial data is called Text Summarization.

Text identification, interpretation and summary generation, and analysis of the generated summary are few of the key challenges confronted in the process of text summarization.

Text summarization methods can be grouped into two main


Extractive Text

It is the conventional strategy created, to begin with. The most objective is to distinguish the critical sentences of the content and include them in the summary. You wish to note that the summary contains correct and exact sentences from the first content.


Abstractive Text

 It may be a more progressed method, many developments keep coming out frequently. The approach is to distinguish the critical areas, translate the setting and replicate in a new way. This guarantees that the center data is passed on through the briefest content conceivable. Note that here, the sentences, in summary, are created, not just extracted from original content.

Text Summarization using Gensim with TextRank

Genism(Generate Similar) is a very handy open-source python library for performing NLP tasks and topic modeling. The text summarization process using the genism library is based on TextRank Algorithm.

What is TextRanking?

TextRank is an extractive summarization strategy. It is based on the concept that words that have more frequency are critical. Subsequently, the sentences containing highly visit words are critical. Based on this calculation, It gives scores to each sentence within the content. The top-ranked sentences are added to the summary.

# summary using genism
import gensim
from gensim.summarization import summarize

text='It is estimated that three-quarters of the world's dog population lives in the developing world as feral, village, or community dogs, with pet dogs uncommon. "The most widespread form of interspecies bonding occurs between humans and dogs" and the keeping of dogs as companions, particularly by elites, has a long history. Pet dog populations grew significantly after World War II as suburbanization increased. In the 1950s and 1960s, dogs were kept outside more often than they tend to be today and were still primarily functional, acting as a guard, children's playmate, or walking companion. From the 1980s, there have been changes in the pet dog's role, such as the increased role of dogs in the emotional support of their human guardians. People and their dogs have become increasingly integrated and implicated in each other's lives to the point where pet dogs actively shape how a family and home are experienced. There have been two significant trends occurring within the second half of the 20th century in pet dogs' changing status. The first has been "commodification," shaping it to conform to social expectations of personality and behavior.The second has been the broadening of the family's concept and the home to include dogs-as-dogs within everyday routines and practices. A vast range of commodity forms aims to transform a pet dog into an ideal companion. The list of goods, services, and places available is enormous: from dog perfumes, couture, furniture and housing to dog groomers, therapists, trainers and caretakers, dog cafes, spas, parks and beaches and dog hotels, airlines and cemeteries. Dog training books, classes, and television programs proliferated as the process of commodifying the pet dog continued. The majority of contemporary dog owners describe their pet as part of the family, although some ambivalence about the relationship is evident in the popular reconceptualization of the dog-human family as a pack. Some dog trainers, such as on the television program Dog Whisperer, have promoted a dominance model of dog-human relationships. However, it has been disputed that "trying to achieve status" is characteristic of dog-human interactions. Pet dogs play an active role in family life; for example, a study of conversations in dog-human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource, talking to the dog, or talking through the dog; to mediate their interactions with each other. Increasingly, human family-members engage in activities centered on the dog's perceived needs and interests, or in which the dog is an integral partner, such as dog dancing and dog yoga. According to statistics published by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association in the National Pet Owner Survey in 2009–2010, an estimated 77.5 million people in the United States have pet dogs. The same source shows that nearly 40% of American households own at least one dog, of which 67% own just one dog, 25% two dogs and nearly 9% more than two dogs. There does not seem to be any gender preference among dogs as pets, as the statistical data reveal an equal number of male and female pet dogs. Although several programs promote pet adoption, less than one-fifth of the owned dogs come from shelters. A study using magnetic resonance imaging to compare humans and dogs showed that dogs have the same response to voices and use the same parts of the brain as humans do. This gives dogs the ability to recognize human emotional sounds, making them friendly social pets to humans.'

brief = summarize(text)


We can give two parameters:

       ratio: It can take values between 0 to 1. It represents the proportion of the summary compared to the original text.

word_count: It decides the no of words in the summary.


Output of the text using gensim

People and their dogs have become increasingly integrated and implicated in each other's lives to the point where pet dogs actively shape how a family and home are experienced.
Some dog trainers, such as on the television program Dog Whisperer, have promoted a dominance model of dog-human relationships.
Pet dogs play an active role in family life; for example, a study of conversations in dog-human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource, talking to the dog, or talking through the dog; to mediate their interactions with each other.
Increasingly, human family-members engage in activities centred on the dog's perceived needs and interests, or in which the dog is an integral partner, such as dog dancing and dog yoga.

Text Summarization with Sumy

implementation of the below algorithms for summarization using sumy :



Semantic Analysis, LSA



Using LexRank

A sentence which is similar to numerous other sentences of the content encompasses a high probability of being critical. The approach of LexRank is that a specific sentence is prescribed by other comparable sentences and subsequently is positioned higher. Higher the rank, higher is the need of being included within the summarized content.

# Importing the parser and tokenizer
from sumy.parsers.plaintext import PlaintextParser
from sumy.nlp.tokenizers import Tokenizer
# Import the LexRank summarizer
from sumy.summarizers.lex_rank import LexRankSummarizer
# Initializing the parser
my_parser = PlaintextParser.from_string(text,Tokenizer('english'))
# Creating a summary of 3 sentences.
lex_rank_summarizer = LexRankSummarizer()
lexrank_summary = lex_rank_summarizer(my_parser.document,sentences_count=3)
# Printing the summary
for sentence in lexrank_summary:


From the 1980s, there have been changes in the pet dog's role, such as the increased role of dogs in the emotional support of their human guardians.
Pet dogs play an active role in family life; for example, a study of conversations in dog-human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource, talking to the dog, or talking through the dog; to mediate their interactions with each other.
Increasingly, human family-members engage in activities centered on the dog's perceived needs and interests, or in which the dog is an integral partner, such as dog dancing and dog yoga.


 Using LSA (Latent semantic analysis)

Latent semantic analysis (LSA) is a unsupervised learning algorithm, could be a used in natural language processing, in specific distributional semantics, of analysing connections between a set of records and the terms they contain by creating a set of concepts related to the records and terms. LSA expect that words that are near in meaning will happen in comparable pieces of content (the distributional speculation). A framework containing word checks per archive (lines speak to special words and columns speak to each record) is developed from an expansive piece of content and a numerical strategy called singular value decomposition (SVD) is utilized to diminish the number of rows whereas protecting the similarity structure among rows. Reports are at that point compared by taking the cosine of the point between the two vectors (or the speck item between the normalizations of the two vectors) shaped by any two columns. Values near to 1 speak to exceptionally comparable archives whereas values near to speak to exceptionally different documents.

# Import the summarizer
from sumy.summarizers.lsa import LsaSummarizer
from sumy.nlp.tokenizers import Tokenizer
from sumy.parsers.plaintext import PlaintextParser
# creating the summarizer
lsa_summary= lsa_summarizer(parser.document,3)
# Printing the summary
for sentence in lsa_summary:


However, it has been disputed that "trying to achieve status" is characteristic of dog-human interactions.
The same source shows that nearly 40% of American households own at least one dog, of which 67% own just one dog, 25% two dogs and nearly 9% more than two dogs.
Although several programs promote pet adoption, less than one-fifth of the owned dogs come from shelters.


Using Luhn

Luhn’s calculation may be a naive approach based on TF-IDF and looking at the “window size” of non-important words between words of high significance. It too allocates higher weights to sentences happening close to the starting of a record.

# Import the summarizer
from sumy.summarizers.luhn import LuhnSummarizer
# Creating the parser
from sumy.nlp.tokenizers import Tokenizer
from sumy.parsers.plaintext import PlaintextParser
#  Creating the summarizer

# Printing the summary

for sentence in luhn_summary:



From the 1980s, there have been changes in the pet dog's role, such as the increased role of dogs in the emotional support of their human guardians.
Pet dogs play an active role in family life; for example, a study of conversations in dog-human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource, talking to the dog, or talking through the dog; to mediate their interactions with each other.
The same source shows that nearly 40% of American households own at least one dog, of which 67% own just one dog, 25% two dogs and nearly 9% more than two dogs.


Using KL-Sum

The objective of KL sum calculation is to discover a set of sentences whose length is less than L words and the unigram conveyance is as comparative to the source document. Unigram dissemination – Unigram or n-gram within the field of computational phonetics and likelihood alludes to a bordering grouping of n things from a given test of discourse or content.

from sumy.summarizers.kl import KLSummarizer
# Creating the parser
from sumy.nlp.tokenizers import Tokenizer
from sumy.parsers.plaintext import PlaintextParser
# Instantiating the  KLSummarizer
# Printing the summary

for sentence in kl_summary:



It is estimated that three-quarters of the world's dog population lives in the developing world as feral, village, or community dogs, with pet dogs uncommon.
From the 1980s, there have been changes in the pet dog's role, such as the increased role of dogs in the emotional support of their human guardians.
The majority of contemporary dog owners describe their pet as part of the family, although some ambivalence about the relationship is evident in the popular reconceptualization of the dog-human family as a pack.


What is Abstractive Text Summarization?

Abstractive summarization is the modern state of craftsmanship strategy, which produces unused sentences that may best speak to the entire content. This is often superior than extractive strategies where sentences are fair chosen from unique content for the summary.

HuggingFace underpins state of the craftsmanship models to actualize assignments such as summarization, classification, etc. A few common models are GPT-2, GPT-3, BERT , OpenAI, GPT, T5. Another magnificent feature with transformers is that it gives PreTrained models with weights that can be effectively instantiated through from_pretrained() method.


Summarization with T5 Transformers

With the towering progressions in Transfer Learning, Deep learning has accomplished supernatural wonders. Particularly in Characteristic dialect Preparing, overwhelming these with the rise of Transformers, various approaches have emerged within the application of Dialect Demonstrating. We exchange the learning of an enormous demonstrate (generally state-of-the-art) by pre-training it on a tremendous information corpus for a bland errand, and the rest is fine-tuning it for particular tasks.

# Importing requirements
from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5Config, T5ForConditionalGeneration
# Instantiating the model and tokenizer 
my_model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('t5-small')
tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained('t5-small')
# Concatenating the word "summarize:" to raw text
text = "summarize:" + text
# encoding the input text
input_ids=tokenizer.encode(text, return_tensors='pt', max_length=512)
# Generating summary ids
summary_ids = my_model.generate(input_ids)
# Decoding the tensor and printing the summary.
t5_summary = tokenizer.decode(summary_ids[0])


three-quarters of the world's dog population lives in developing world as feral,

Summarization with BART Transformers

BART, which stands for Denoising Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-training for Characteristic Dialect Era, Interpretation, and Comprehension created by Facebook AI in 2019. It employments a standard Transformer-based neural machine interpretation design which, in spite of its effortlessness, can be seen as generalizing BERT (Bidirectional encoder), GPT (left-to-right decoder).

BERT: Random tokens are supplanted with the token [Mask], and the document is encoded bidirectionally. Lost tokens are anticipated autonomously, so BERT cannot effectively be utilized for generation.

GPT: Tokens are anticipated auto-regressively, meaning GPT can be utilized for generation. In any case, words can as it were condition on leftward setting, so it cannot learn bidirectional interactions.

BART: Input to encoder doesn’t have to be be in adjust order like decoder outputs. Here, a record has been harmed by replacing ranges of content with [Mask] symbols. The damaged record (left) is encoded with a bidirectional Encoder (both course), and after that the probability of the initial record (right) is calculated with an Autoregressive Decoder. Because BART has an autoregressive decoder, it can be fine-tuned for arrangement era assignments such as summarization. In summarization, data is replicated from input but controlled, which is closely related to the denoising pre-training question. Here, the encoder input is the input grouping, and the decoder creates yields autoregressive.

# Importing the model
from transformers import BartForConditionalGeneration, BartTokenizer, BartConfig
# Loading the model and tokenizer for bart-large-cnn
# Encoding the inputs and passing them to model.generate()
inputs = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus([original_text],return_tensors='pt')
summary_ids = model.generate(inputs['input_ids'], early_stopping=True)
# Decoding and printing the summary
bart_summary = tokenizer.decode(summary_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True)


An estimated 77.5 million people in the United States have pet dogs. The majority of contemporary dog owners describe their pet as part of the family. A study using magnetic resonance imaging to compare humans and dogs showed that dogs have the same response to voices. This gives dogs the ability to recognize human emotional sounds, making them friendly social pets to humans.


Summarization with GPT-2 Transformers

GPT/GPT-2 could be a variation of the Transformer show which as it were has the decoder portion of the Transformer organize. It employments multi-headed masked self-attention, which allows it to see as it were the first i tokens at time step t, and enables them to work like conventional uni-directional dialect models. Be that as it may, rather than handling tokens consecutively like RNNs, these models handle tokens in parallel, i.e. by anticipating tokens for all time steps at once.

# Importing model and tokenizer
from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer,GPT2LMHeadModel
# Instantiating the model and tokenizer with gpt-2
# Encoding text to get input ids & pass them to model.generate()


It is estimated that three-quarters of the world's dog population lives in the developing world as feral, village, or community dogs, with pet dogs uncommon. "The most widespread form of interspecies bonding occurs between humans and dogs" and the keeping of dogs as companions, particularly by elites, has a long history. Pet dog populations grew significantly after World War II as suburbanization increased. In the 1950s and 1960s, dogs were kept outside more often than they tend to be today and were still primarily functional, acting as a guard, children's playmate, or walking companion. From the 1980s, there have been changes in the pet dog's role, such as the increased role of dogs in the emotional support of their human guardians. People and their dogs have become increasingly integrated and implicated in each other's lives to the point where pet dogs actively shape how a family and home are experienced. There have been two significant trends occurring within the second half of the 20th century in pet dogs' changing status. The first has been commodification, shaping it to conform to social expectations of personality and behavior.The second has been the broadening of the family's concept and the home to include dogs-as-dogs within everyday routines and practices. A vast range of commodity forms aims to transform a pet dog into an ideal companion. The list of goods, services, and places available is enormous: from dog perfumes, couture, furniture and housing to dog groomers, therapists, trainers and caretakers, dog cafes, spas, parks and beaches and dog hotels, airlines and cemeteries. Dog training books, classes, and television programs proliferated as the process of commodifying the pet dog continued. The majority of contemporary dog owners describe their pet as part of the family, although some ambivalence about the relationship is evident in the popular reconceptualization of the dog-human family as a pack. Some dog trainers, such as on the television program Dog Whisperer, have promoted a dominance model of dog-human relationships. However, it has been disputed that "trying to achieve status" is characteristic of dog-human interactions. Pet dogs play an active role in family life; for example, a study of conversations in dog-human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource, talking to the dog, or talking through the dog; to mediate their interactions with each other. Increasingly, human family-members engage in activities centred on the dog's perceived needs and interests, or in the


Summarization with XLM Transformers

Though BERT was prepared on over 100 dialects, it wasn’t optimized for multi-lingual models most of the vocabulary isn’t shared between dialects and so the shared information is restricted. To overcome that, XLM alters BERT within the taking after way:

First, rather than utilizing word or characters as the input of the demonstrate, it uses Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) that parts the input into the foremost common sub-words over all languages subsequently expanding the shared vocabulary between languages.

Second: it updates the BERT engineering in two manners:

  1. Each preparing test comprises of the same content in two languages, while in BERT each test is built from a single language. As in BERT, the objective of the model is to anticipate the masked tokens, in any case, with modern architecture, the show can utilize the setting from one language to anticipate tokens within the other, as distinct words are masked words in each language (they are chosen randomly).
  2. The model too gets the language ID and the arrangement of the tokens in each language, i.e. the Positional Encoding, independently. The modern metadata makes a difference the model learn the relationship between related tokens totally different languages.
# Importing model and tokenizer
from transformers import XLMWithLMHeadModel, XLMTokenizer
# Instantiating the model and tokenizer 
# Encoding text to get input ids & pass them to model.generate()
# Decode and print the summary


it is estimated that three-quarters of the world's dog population lives in the developing world as feral, village, or community dogs, with pet dogs uncommon. " the most widespread form of interspecies bonding occurs between humans and dogs " and the keeping of dogs as companions, particularly by elites, has a long history. pet dog populations grew significantly after world war ii as suburbanization increased. in the 1950s and 1960s, dogs were kept outside more often than they tend to be today and were still primarily functional, acting as a guard, children's playmate, or walking companion. from the 1980s, there have been changes in the pet dog's role, such as the increased role of dogs in the emotional support of their human guardians. people and their dogs have become increasingly integrated and implicated in each other's lives to the point where pet dogs actively shape how a family and home are experienced. there have been two significant trends occurring within the second half of the 20th century in pet dogs'changing status. the first has been commodification, shaping it to conform to social expectations of personality and behavior.the second has been the broadening of the family's concept and the home to include dogs-as-dogs within everyday routines and practices. a vast range of commodity forms aims to transform a pet dog into an ideal companion. the list of goods, services, and places available is enormous : from dog perfumes, couture, furniture and housing to dog groomers, therapists, trainers and caretakers, dog cafes, spas, parks and beaches and dog hotels, airlines and cemeteries. dog training books, classes, and television programs proliferated as the process of commodifying the pet dog continued. the majority of contemporary dog owners describe their pet as part of the family, although some ambivalence about the relationship is evident in the popular reconceptualization of the dog-human family as a pack. some dog trainers, such as on the television program dog whisperer, have promoted a dominance model of dog-human relationships. however, it has been disputed that " trying to achieve status " is characteristic of dog-human interactions. pet dogs play an active role in family life ; for example, a study of conversations in dog-human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource, talking to the dog, or talking through the dog ; to mediate their interactions with each other. increasingly, human family-members engage in activities,

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