Pandas provide customization API for its behaviour and display. The customization API are:
- get_option()
- set_option()
- reset_option()
- describe_option()
- option_context()
Let’s see how these function works:
get_option: Retrieves the value of the specified option.
In [1]: import pandas as pd In [2]: pd.get_option("display.max_rows") Out[2]: 60 In [3]: pd.get_option("display.max_columns") Out[3]: 20 In [4]: pd.get_option("display.max_colwidth") Out[4]: 50 In [5]: pd.get_option("display.width") Out[5]: 80
. . .
Set_option: Sets the value of the specified option.
(option, value)
In [1]: import pandas as pd In [2]: pd.set_option("display.max_rows",80) In [3]: pd.set_option("display.max_columns",30)
. . .
reset_option: Reset one or more options to their default value. Pass “all” as an argument to reset all options.
In [1]: import pandas as pd In [2]: pd.reset_option("display.max_rows") In [3]: pd.reset_option("display.max_columns")
. . .
describe_option : Prints the description for one or more registered options. Call with not arguments to get a listing for all registered options.
(option, _print_desc=False)
In [1]: import pandas as pd In [2]: pd.describe_option("display.max_columns") Out[2]: display.max_columns : int If max_cols is exceeded, switch to truncate view. Depending on `large_repr`, objects are either centrally truncated or printed as a summary view. 'None' value means unlimited. In case python/IPython is running in a terminal and `large_repr` equals 'truncate' this can be set to 0 and pandas will auto-detect the width of the terminal and print a truncated object which fits the screen width. The IPython notebook, IPython qtconsole, or IDLE do not run in a terminal and hence it is not possible to do correct auto-detection. [default: 20] [currently: 20]
. . .
option_context : Context manager to temporarily set options in the with statement context.
option_context(option, val, [(option, val), ...])
import pandas as pd with pd.option_context("display.max_columns",10): print("'with' block - Inner : ",pd.get_option("display.max_columns")) print("'with' block - Outer : ",pd.get_option("display.max_columns")) Output: 'with' block - Inner : 10 'with' block - Outer : 20